Posts by equilibrion

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PRESS RELEASE: Unlocking the potential of a hydrogen future: Equilibrion appointed to lead groundbreaking SHyNE study on how nuclear-enabled hydrogen could help solve the UK’s Net Zero energy challenge

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been appointed by Northern Gas Networks and Wales and West Utilities, supported by Energy Innovation Centre, to lead a[…]

Equilibrion publishes open letter to Fintan Slye, Director of the Electricity System Operator

For a balanced and just transition, we consider that near term decisions to support accelerated decarbonisation of our electricity grid, should be balanced with the[…]

Equilibrion welcomes UK Government Commitment to Sustainable Aviation Fuel

Nuclear power is essential for meeting the UK’s ambitious Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) targets, says Equilibrion, a UK project and development company specialising in the[…]

Our Response to the DESNZ Alternative Routes to Market Consultation

Formal consultations are a hugely valuable part of the process of engagement between industry and His Majesty’s Government (HMG), providing industry with a voice in[…]

Capital Project Review Call for Evidence

Equilibrion was delighted to contribute to Labour’s Capital Projects review, which was receiving evidence on how HMG could promote and better manage UK capital projects[…]

High-profile attendance for Equilibrion at General Conference

The IAEA General Conference is one of the most important events on the international nuclear calendar and this year the UK hosted a side event[…]

Equilibrion marks its first year in the NIA nuclear jobs map

One of the most significant risks a new company faces is being overlooked amongst the crowd of larger companies. That’s why being literally ‘on the[…]

Equilibrion Responds to Hydrogen Blending Consultation

Providing input to Government is a fundamentally important part of being an active member of industry and we take our role in this area very[…]

Headline participation for Equilibrion at Nuclear Live ’23

In a net zero world, the role of nuclear extends far beyond baseload electricity and can deliver decarbonisation of industry, transport and more through long-term[…]

YGN hears from Chief Technologist on whole system decarbonisation

Nuclear has a golden opportunity to support whole system decarbonisation, both in the UK and internationally, but for the technology to achieve its potential requires[…]