Posts from March 24, 2024

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High-profile attendance for Equilibrion at General Conference

The IAEA General Conference is one of the most important events on the international nuclear calendar and this year the UK hosted a side event[…]

Equilibrion marks its first year in the NIA nuclear jobs map

One of the most significant risks a new company faces is being overlooked amongst the crowd of larger companies. That’s why being literally ‘on the[…]

Equilibrion Responds to Hydrogen Blending Consultation

Providing input to Government is a fundamentally important part of being an active member of industry and we take our role in this area very[…]

Headline participation for Equilibrion at Nuclear Live ’23

In a net zero world, the role of nuclear extends far beyond baseload electricity and can deliver decarbonisation of industry, transport and more through long-term[…]

YGN hears from Chief Technologist on whole system decarbonisation

Nuclear has a golden opportunity to support whole system decarbonisation, both in the UK and internationally, but for the technology to achieve its potential requires[…]